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Johnston Wrestling Club

Johnston Wrestling Club

general information


JWC is a volunteer-based club.  Each of our board members, coaches, and YOU the parent, play a key role in the JWC's continuity, as well as success.

Parental support and volunteer time is vital to the success of the club.  We simply cannot function without YOU!  We keep our costs low, and we do not ask parents to fundraise for our club.  Our tournament is our fundraiser!

We do ask that at least one parent volunteer to work at our one tournament during the season.

VOLUNTEERING AT A TOURNEY?  There is a lot of help needed to run a successful tournament.  We need people to help at admissions, concessions, help write on wall charts, help hand out awards, help set up, & help tear down. If your wrestler is wrestling, don't worry, YOU WILL NOT MISS YOUR WRESTLER!  

PARENTS AT PRACTICE?  Our club welcomes parents to sit on the side during practice and watch.  The club welcomes those parents who are knowledgeable about the sport and can engage and help out at practice.  If you are one of those parents who can help, we ask you help all the kids in the practice room, and not just your own.

YOUNGER SIBLINGS?  We understand life is busy and younger siblings can sometimes be in the room with you watching.  We ask that you and the younger children to please not distract the coaches and instruction time during practice.  Also,  please keep all children off the equipment in the rooms before, during, and after practice, so these items can stay in good working condition and functioning for our middle school and high school wrestlers. 

RESTROOM? We ask that you take your wrestler to the restroom before practice starts.  Coaches will give water breaks during practice as well. 

CLEAN MATS?  We clean the mats after every practice.  If you, as a parent, would like to help do that, our coaches can help you find the materials you need and would appreciate it immensely.

COST?  We don't want cost to be a deterrent  for your wrestler not to participate in JWC.  If you are unable to make the registration fee, please reach out and we have scholarships available.

RESPECT We value respect in the sport of wrestling.  We ask that our parents and wrestlers do the same.  Respect the schools we are in, pick up after yourself in the halls and bathrooms.  Respect the wrestling rooms we hold practices in, take off shoes when entering and do not abuse the equipment, treat it as if it were your house.  Leave the facilities even better than when we arrived.  Respect the coaches who help instruct your kids, talk to your wrestler about listening intently during practice, staying quiet during instruction and raising hands like in a classroom.  Respect others in the room, treat others how you would want to be treated.

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